Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last day for Geneva Team

We made it back from the jungle yesterday evening, had a great rest last night, an early morning hike to 11,000 feet this morning and the team has solo time, high ropes adventure and a visit to the Equator today before they get ready to leave at 2:40 am tomorrow morning.

Let me share with you a little of what took place on our jungle trip:

 Our ministry team sharing the story of salvation with the elementary kids in Rio Negro

 Playing games with the 76 elementary students.  They loved the parachute games!

We then broke up into smaller groups in the classrooms for crafts, lesson review and time to get to know the students better.  I had the privilege of being the interpreter for the 4th and 5th grade class.

At about 12:30 on Tuesday the team was ready to head into the jungle to work on a jungle trail.

The trail work went well and was very muddy, which is VERY normal for the jungle

 As you can see, the cleanliness of our group changed between 12:30 and 4:00.

 A highlight of our time was yesterday morning, at a beautiful jungle river.

Pastor Sterling baptized 15 students from the team. It was great to hear their testimonies and see what God has been doing in the whole teams lives while they have been here in Ecuador.

This morning, most of the team was up hiking by 4:30 am.  We reached the highest point of 11,000 feet on the El Refugio property around 6:00 am.  We prayed for the ministry of El Refugio before heading down to breakfast.

Pray for team Geneva as they leave early tomorrow and go back to their "normal" routines, that they will allow God's work in their hearts to continue, and that the seeds they planted here will grow to fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tour day

Yesterday ended very well, with a great day of finishing up many of our work projects and then having VBS with about 160 community kids.  It was so good to have so many kids show up and to be able to share with them about God's grace to us and his salvation.

 Some of the 160 kids at the VBS program yesterday

Today we had a tour day.  The team enjoyed a much needed break by going to a village market called Otavalo and shopping for gifts. I think everyone is rejuvenated and ready for our next assignment.

Please remember us in prayer as we head for Rio Verde and Rio Negro tomorrow.  We will be spending time in the Rio Negro elementary school on Tuesday and doing a work project working on a trail through the jungle.
Thank you for your prayers!

Friday, June 22, 2012

First day of VBS

We had a wonderful and very full day today.  We started off like we have the past two days, beginning our work at about 8:00am. Today we worked on the work projects until noon and then began to prepare for our VBS program.
Kids started coming at about 2:45 and by 3:30 there were about 100 kids in attendance.  We divided them in three groups and rotated them between Bible story, craft and games. They will be coming again tomorrow afternoon and we are expecting more.

In the evening we attended the Friday night service of the nearby towns church.  It was a great time and one of the young people preached a message that was very touching to all of us.  He spoke about how our groups from the US had impacted his life through the VBS programs and how El Refugio has continued to impact his life for Christ.  He challenged us to keep planting the seeds because God is using us the spread His love and reach people for Him.

VBS Time

Games on the El Refugio soccer field

Bible story time in front of the Casa Grande

Craft time in the El Refugio dinning area
Me enjoying time with my son Greg, who is serving here until late July

Thank you for your prayers, God is working in our lives and giving us opportunities to plant seeds for him.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


We've had two great full days of work on the projects here. We praise the Lord for the beautiful weather we've been having, which has been very needed for all the outdoor painting, concrete work and wood sealing that we have been doing.
 The casa Grande is looking real good with fresh paint
 The new laundry room floor being finished
 The storage room wall started out pretty slow
 but, as you can see the students are getting to be good block layers
Removing stumps from in front of our dinning and dorm room area. Stump removal is HARD work

Please remember us in prayer:

  • We've had a few people with stomach sickness, this is always a big prayer as we eat new foods, and live in close quarters with everyone.
  • Tomorrow afternoon will be our first VBS program with the neighborhood children.  Youth from the church in town will be coming alongside us as we share Christ with these kids.
  • That God would be working in each one of our lives.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Team Geneva at El Refugio

We had a great first day at El Refugio with the Geneva team. The team consists of Junior and Senior high school students from Geneva Illinois. 34 students and 8 sponsors are on the team.
We began the day with an orientation time, explaining the ministry of El Refugio, then we had an adventure race.  After lunch we began our work projects and ended the day with a great time of praise and worship around the fire and a great devotional on:
Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) 
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.
2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

These verses will be the theme of our devotions for this trip.  

                                                       The great adventure race

                                             Work project on the climbing wall program area

                                                  Laundry room project foundation

                                                                           Fire time 

Please remember us in prayer as we have 4 work days ahead of us.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

LIFT heads home today

We have had a great time with the LIFT team and were sad to see them go today.
We had a very busy two weeks with church and "in-school" ministry in El Chaco and Oyacachi, work projects at El Refugio and time with our facilitators.
                    The climbing wall was our main work project and will be officially in use on April 4th

       Ministry in El Chaco included preaching, testimonies and drama in two churches, Scouts program, and a lot of time spent with the youth and young adults.

   Our time in Oyacachi was mostly spent with the village children.  We did dramas in their schools, played for many hours with them, while sharing the gospel to them individually and had a kids church service on Wednesday night with over 70 kids singing as loud as you can imagine.

   For LIFT's last day in Ecuador we took them on a high country adventure on Illiniza Norte, a 16,890 foot Andean volcano.

They have been a great encouragement to all of us at El Refugio and poured themselves into all they did.
Thank you LIFT!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today was a very productive day.  We began with a morning hike in God's beautiful creation and then spent the rest of our day on work projects.  Some of us went up to the tree house, to do some needed maintenance and the rest worked on the climbing wall.
It's nice to have both Greg and Rachelle here.  Greg is here for 5 months and Rachelle is with the LIFT group.

                                                 Morning hike on El Refugio property

                                                     Tree house maintenance
                                                       Work on the climbing wall

Please remember us in prayer as we head out tomorrow for ministry in Quito and then our travels to El Chaco where we will be doing ministry for 3 days.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LIFT team arrives

The LIFT team arrived safely today at about 1:45 pm.  I met them at the airport and we arrived at El Refugio to have a time of orientation with our El Refguio staff, a short time to walk around and then a great supper of llapincachos and lomo!
                                                     Orientation in Casa Grande

                                                          Climbing wall

                                      Llapingachos (potatoe paties) and Lomo (thin sliced beef)

We will be doing a short hike tomorrow morning at 6:00am and then getting to work on our work projects which will include working on the climbing wall.

Please pray for our team as everyone acclimatizes to new food, high altitude and new surroundings.