Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Geneva's first day

We had a great first day with Geneva.
Geneva arrive Monday evening and we had a good rest and a good start Tuesday morning.
We began the day with orientation and then had an adventure race to familiarize everyone with El Refugio and some of the program elements that we have.  At 2:00 pm we finished the adventure race and began work on the work projects.

Adventure race
Adventure race team

Zip line

Work begins

Preparing for concrete

Sterling sitting on the job

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

High country

Just after Hickory  Creek left for the US, I headed out into the mountains with two of our interns, my son Evan and Marc, one of our program staff, Esteban, and my nephew Isaac.

We hiked for over 12 hours in the Quilindana area between 13400 and 14700 feet.  We experienced some beautiful country, swamps, rain, fog and high winds.  Our camp was at about 14550 on a high and very windy ridge. We were soaked, wind blown and tired, but had a great experience and continue to be amazed at our God's wonderful creation.
The rolling paramo country

Isaac and Evan

Me- very happy to be out in the mountains

Isaac, Evan, Esteban and Marc

Evan and me with the swamp lands below

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hickory Creek

We have had a great trip with Hickory Creek!  They left this morning at 5:00 am and we are going to miss them.  They were such a blessing to all of us and to the work here.  Below are a few pictures our our time together.
VBS at Rio Negro

VBS at Rio Negro

The best tasting trout in Ecuador for lunch

The Pailon falls in Rio Verde

VBS in RayoCucho school just down the road from El Refugio

Ryan and Alex working on the bridge supports

Mark, Sophia, Jenna and Katelynn making seats out of cypress for the fire pit

Rafter poles that we cut and prepared for the laundry facility

Bill, after moving all the dirt into garden area to be landscaped

Ryan, Alex, Rick and two interns, Evan and Mark camped out in the tree house on Wednesday night

Sophia riding one of our llamas

Hickory Creek team at the top of the property

Friday, June 7, 2013

Work day with Hickory Creek

Yesterday we had a great day together with orientation and programing.
Paul and Greg on the high ropes circuit 

Then today we went to work on 3 different projects here at El Refugio. I didn't get a picture of the pole cutters in the eucalyptus forests.

 Tomorrow we are leaving at 6:30 to Rio Negro for some more work projects and ministry in this small town.

Please remember us in your prayers.  Thank you, Rick

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hickory Creek flying today

Evan and I (Rick) made it to Ecuador Monday at midnight.  Evan began his internship at El Refugio Tuesday morning and I met with various people to make sure we are all ready for Hickory Creek.

Hickory Creek's team of 13 people will be in tonight late.
Dinning area and guest facilities

Casa Grande

The view of all of El Refugio

My brother Ron and I, with some of his kids, hiked up the hill across the valley from El Refugio this morning to get some new pictures of the property.

Please remember this team in your prayers as we serve for the next 10 days together.