We started off the day with a 5:00am hike all the way around the
boundary of El Refugio. The hike took about 3 hours and took us from
9300 feet elevation up to 11,000 feet! 20 out of 34 of us attempted
the adventure and all did very well.
Then we were off for a half day of work. We are still working on the
patio, painting roofing material and are doing trail work on one of
the very high trails on the property.
This afternoon we had VBS for about 55 children who live in the area
close to El Refugio. We had a great time with them with games, Bible
story, songs and crafts.
Tomorrow we head for the jungle, so we may not be able to send any new
information for a couple of days.
Glad to see you had that many kids in VBS. Looks like it is somewhat cold. It is nice to see God is working there