Friday, March 25, 2011


We just returned from 3 great days in Oyacachi.  Oyacachi is a village of mostly Quichua people.  It is at about 10,500 feet elevation and surrounded by high mountains and waterfalls.  We were able to communicate well with the people in Spanish.  There are about 600 people who live there.
There is a church in Oyacachi, where we stayed and worked with during our time there.

When we arrived on Friday we walked through the village and soon had a crowd of kids following us.  They had been told we were coming and were excited to see us.  Soon we were playing with kids, doing puppet shows, and sharing the gospel with them through evanga-cubes and bead bracelets.

During our time there, we were able to share in a Thursday night church service with testimonies, drama, singing and preaching. We also had the opportunity to visit the grade school where we shared a testimony, did a drama about David and Goliath and shared about life in the United States.

I especially enjoyed the time I was able to spend with the pastor.  It was great to hear his heart for his people and be able to be an encouragement to him through all our group took part in.

I have been doing a lot of translating for the group. At times I get a little tongue tied, but overall it has been going well.

The next 4 days will be spent at El Refugio.  Tomorrow we will be spending time with our Ecuadorian facilitators, getting to know them and doing a workshop on discipleships, mentoring and accountability.

Please pray for me that I will be able to translate clearly and have more opportunities to share Christ with the people we meet.

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